Space agencies have shown how the ecology of the world has changed due to coronavirus

Space agencies have shown how the ecology of the world has changed due to coronavirus

13 апреля 2020 1424

There is widespread quarantine in many European countries, which prohibits people from leaving their homes and using vehicles. Because of this, the level of air pollution in Italy decreased, as the European Space Agency managed to notice.


The agency shared pictures of the country from space. Using the Copernicus Sentinel-5P satellite, specialists were able to take several photos of Europe, where you can see how the environmental situation in the region has changed due to quarantine.

Nitrogen dioxide emissions decreased. A clear difference can be seen in the frames for 1st of January and 11th of March 11.


A similar situation has already been observed in China. Since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, many large industrial enterprises have stopped working in the country, and the level of pollution by transport has significantly decreased due to quarantine.

In addition, due to the lack of tourists, the canals were cleaned in Venice, in which the water became crystal clear. Clear water in Venice was liked by swans who returned to the city.

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