How to make homemade cheese with cumin seeds on Adelsk recipes

How to make homemade cheese with cumin seeds on Adelsk recipes

21 января 2020 1162

You need milk, cottage cheese, and a few hours of patience.

Today in our project "Recipes from Grodno housewives" we will taste cost meals Adelsk cuisine.

This year on the eastern calendar is the year of the rat. And if you ask, what these animals like to eat, in the head comes the cheese. Some people say it is a myth. So it is or not - decide by yourself. However, why not cook for the holiday table homemade cheese with cumin seeds? Moreover, make it possible in advance.


For making the cheese we need:

3 liters of fresh milk, 1.5 kg of cottage cheese, 5-6 eggs, 2 teaspoons of salt without top 1 teaspoon baking soda, cumin.

Milk is the main ingredients. Therefore we recommend not to be lazy and go to the market where you can buy fresh homemade milk and cheese.

Add cottage cheese in the boiling milk, cook until the milk is not "sit out" and will become serum. Drain in the colander. In a frying pan melt the butter, add cheese, salt, cumin, eggs, baking soda. Mix well. Torment our mass in a pan over low heat (watch it to not burn and stick) until the serum does not boil. Then you need to put everything in a bowl, squeeze the top and put in a cool place. When it cools down, the cheese is ready.

Bon appetit, my friends!