3D pens, sketching and creative birthday. How woman from Grodno colours the gray daily life of citizens

3D pens, sketching and creative birthday. How woman from Grodno colours the gray daily life of citizens

10 сентября 2019 1352

Yevgeniya Kuznetsova has always been a creative person.

Since childhood, she did let go pencils and brushes from her hands. But she is an artist from that number of people who wants not only create, but also to transfer their creative experience. Therefore, she often works in children's camps, is engaged in drawing groups with children. But she always thought this was not enough. Therefore, Yevgeniya opened a creative studio in which you can draw for the soul or arrange a creative birthday with a photo shoot

The studio is bright and airy, with plenty of room for creativity. Minimalistic design, diluted with bright blue spots are not distracting. By the way, easels are made by hand, by special order, like coasters for brushes.


- About a year ago, I had the idea to open a creative studio where people who love creativity could get together, communicate and at the same time improve their drawing skills. While the classes are held in the form of master classes: we select a drawing and on the basis of it my students create their own paintings. We are not trying to draw an exact copy, but I make sure that everything is compositionally correct and the colors are combined, says the artist.

Yevgeniya notes that Grodno is a creative city with many inspiring landscapes and a large number of talented artists. The atmosphere itself is conducive to creativity.


- Yes, I have favorite artists, but in the classroom we don’t adhere to any one style. I tried to make a synthesis that combines urban motifs, classic, contemporary art. We have absolutely any materials from a professional set for calligraphy to 3D pens. All this is certainly high-quality, always good brushes. You can come to us without materials, there is everything in the studio. Water is certainly in beautiful glasses. I had to see different things. Once I was shocked that the students in one lesson painted using the cheapest watercolors, and the water was in glasses from yogurt. If to do something, so in good conscience. Everything should be aesthetically beautiful, this contributes to creativity, emphasizes Yevgeniya.


While the studio mainly hosts master classes for both children and adults, but starting in September, recruitment for various special programs will begin. It is possible to sign up for individual lessons. But besides classes, Yevgeniya has interesting suggestions.

- For example, we can have a creative birthday or a party. Gather with friends, buy sweets and draw for the soul. At such a celebration, an adult can feel like a child, have fun, depict on the sheet what you want at that moment. The task of our studio is not just to teach, but to create a creative space that will charge people, inspire. But all this is in an educational spirit. For example, in the “Draw like Van Gogh” workshop, I talk about the artist himself, then about his technique, explain how we managed to achieve the effect that we see in the picture, explains Yevgeniya.


But creativity is not only brushes and paints. It is also modeling from dough and clay, decoupage, origami, paper plastic, quilling, scrapbooking, mixing materials and techniques.

- I do not want to limit myself to anything, especially at the workshops. Yes, when there is a clear program and a person has set a goal for himself, then you don’t really get around here, and this is not necessary here. And such master classes allow you to completely let go of inspiration in flight and not limit yourself to anything, notes the artist.

Eugene is a professional. She graduated with a degree in Visual Arts and Computer Graphics. Parents were not at all opposed to the fact that their daughter wanted to connect her life with painting. It turned out to be very interesting when the girl with her parents came to submit documents to the university.


- The table with my specialty was the very first at the entrance. We immediately approached there and looked nothing more. And I'm very glad that it all happened so. Those, who came, say that after five days in the office, such a relaxation is very useful. I always wanted to create a completely new space, not like other drawing schools or development centers, shares Yevgeniya.

By the way, the studio also has a special photo zone: the wall from the ceiling to the floor is black, the special coating allows you to draw any picture with crayons.

- I am often asked how there is enough energy for everything. But I get more from this work than I give. I have a lot of ideas that I can’t wait to implement. Creativity is my life. And if I can make someone’s day a little brighter - it’s worth all the effort, says Yevgeniya.

Written by Veronika Kozlovskaya

Photos were taken by author and from the archive of Yevgeniya Kuznetsova

Translated by Olga Ilyuk