9.00-18.00 - Commercial CounselorDaywith participation of trade and economic services of diplomatic missions accredited in the Republic of Belarus (under a separate programme)

Thursday, September 12, 2019
The exhibition-fair is open to visitors from 10.00 to 18.00:
- exhibition of goods and services (indoor and outdoor areas of Central Sports Complex “Neman”)
- tourism fair (Grodno Centre of Olympic Reserve on hockey»)
9.00-10.00 Meeting of heads of official delegations and guests of honor with the Chairman of Grodno Regional Executive Committee V. V. Kravtsov
(hall of reception of delegations, Grodno Regional Executive Committee, Ozheshko str., 3)
9.00-10.00 Registration of participants of the international business forum "Euroregion" Neman-2019", coffee break
(lobby of Grodno Regional Executive Committee, Ozheshko str., 3)
10.00-11.00 Plenary session of the International Business Forum "Euroregion" Neman-2019»
Theme " Investments. Shaping the Image of the Future» (big hall of Grodno Regional Executive Committee, Ozheshko str., 3)

11.00-11.30 Signing of official documents (agreements, memorandums, protocols of intent) by the participants of the Business Forum
(big hall of Grodno Regional Executive Committee, Ozheshko str., 3)
12.00-12.30 Grand opening of the XX Republican Universal Exhibition-Fair "Euroregion" Neman-2019» (main entrance of the Ice Palace, Kommunalnaya str., 3a)
12.30-14.30 Examination of the exposition ofTourism Fair and Exhibition - Fair
12.30-18.00 Work of the platform for B2B, B2D negotiations (Track-and-field Athletics Hall of Central Sports Complex “Neman”, Kommunalnaya Str., 3)
14.30-14.45 Signing commercial contracts (press area of Central Sports Complex “Neman”, Kommunalnaya Str., 3)
16.00-18.00 Work of sections of the International Business Forum "Euroregion" Neman-2019»:
Promising Areas for Investment. New Opportunities (Grodno branch of the Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange, Kosmonavtov Ave, 37a)
Industrial Sites of FEZ "Grodnoinvest": Points of Growth of Regional and International Business (administration of FEZ "Grodnoinvest", M. Gorkogo str., 91a)
Visa Policy Liberalization - New Opportunities for Tourism Development in Grodno Region (conference hall of Central Sports Complex “Neman”, Kommunalnaya str., 3a)
Development and Strengthening of Cross-Border Cooperation in the Framework of International Technical Assistance Programmes (conference room of Grodno Regional Executive Committee, Ozheshko str., 3)
Friday, September 13, 2019
The exhibition-fair is open to visitors from 10.00 to 18.00:
- exhibition of goods and services (indoor and outdoor areas of Central Sports Complex “Neman”)
- tourism fair (Grodno Centre of Olympic Reserve on hockey»)
10.00-18.00 Work of the platform for B2B, B2D negotiations (Track-and-field Athletics Hall of Central Sports Complex “Neman”, Kommunalnaya Str., 3)
10.00-18.00 Work of presentation area (Track-and-field Athletics Hall of Central Sports Complex “Neman”, Kommunalnaya Str., 3)
Educational sessions (conference hall of Central Sports Complex “Neman”, Kommunalnaya str., 3a):
10.00-12.00 Features of organizing and conducting exchange trade, use of electronic trading platforms to improve the efficiency of procurement and marketing activities of the enterprise

12.00-14.00 Foreign economic transactions: terms and procedure of conclusion, typical errors. Dispute resolution in the International Arbitration Court at the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
14.00-16.00 Issues of diversification of markets for goods and services of organizations (enterprises) of the Republic of Belarus in Africa
Saturday, September 14, 2019
The exhibition-fair is open to visitors from 10.00 to 13.00:
- exhibition of goods and services (indoor and outdoor areas of Central Sports Complex “Neman”)
- tourism fair (Grodno Centre of Olympic Reserve on hockey»)
12.00-13.00 Closing ceremony of the Exhibition-Fair, issuing of diplomas (Track-and-field Athletics Hall of Central Sports Complex “Neman”, Kommunalnaya Str., 3)
13.00-14.00 Opening of the Cheese Festival (football field of Central Sports Complex “Neman”, Kommunalnaya Str., 3)
14.00-20.00 Work of festival venues (under a separate programme)
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