Descendants of the Novogrudok Ghetto Prisoners Met With the Youth

Descendants of the Novogrudok Ghetto Prisoners Met With the Youth

13 октября 2018 1044

In the assembly-hall of Novogrudok Trade and Economic College there was a meeting of descendants Novogrudok ghetto prisoners with the youth. The conversation was emotional and interesting not only for the guests, but also for the young people. Some of them discovered Novogrudok and unknown pages of the history of his native town.


The teacher of secondary school No 5 Lyudmila Makarevich and student of the 11th grade Danila Ponomarev presented their research work "The role of the Jewish community in the development of infrastructure of Novogrudok in late XIX - early XX century."


- Studying history of my native town, I was convinced that it was famous for its tolerance, – Danila told. - I often heard from the elderly that before the war Novogrudok was called a Jewish town. It was very interesting for me to know how many Jews lived in the town and how they influenced the development of Novogrudok. In my work I researched the life of the Jewish community, as I am sure that it will help understand the history of my homeland better.

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The result of Danila Ponomarev’s research  was the creation of the town’s map, which bears the industrial, cultural and social facilities of the Jewish community. In memory of the meeting, the card was presented to the guests. And they, in turn, shared their memories and impressions of the town.

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As Nelly Kozhukhovskaya told, many years ago she studied at the Financial College (today Trade and Economic College). She remembered the lessons,  teachers and dance classes with a special feeling. Shoshana Dalman remembered the orphanage in Grodnenskaya street, next to which her family lived.

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The guests talked about the inhabitants of Novogrudok, the authorities, who do a lot to preserve the history of the Jewish community with great gratitude. They sincerely thanked for the warm welcome and the opportunity to share their memories and thoughts.


Helen Gantsevich

Translated by Helen Chal